Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Party at the gym!

Earlier this month we helped celebrate our friends Caden & Dylan's 4th birthday at a local gym. The kids were so excited and of course showed no fear. We don't do our weekly gym class anymore since the kids are in school so it's a special treat when they get to play around in the gym. I really should get them in structured gymnastics classes, but I'm not sure how well they'd actually listen. I take that back, I'm not sure how well Abby would listen. Jake is doing so well in structered environments now.


Their favorite part of the gym. Of course this boy was the first to start this and the rest of the birthday party followed.

Lily jumped in from the side :-) She's actually mid-air if you look closely.
Later she found a ballon and that was a lot more fun than jumping into a foam pit.
Another favorite was the long trampolines the kids could run on. Lily got knocked down a few times, but it didn't stop her.
And of course I didn't get a SINGLE SHOT of the birthday boys!!

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