Monday, March 31, 2008

Cute as a button

Well we didn't do much today other than recooperate from yesterday. Yesterday afternoon was really rough on the kids. John and I went to view the 1 year photos at 3 yesterday and we had so much to go through we didn't get done 'till 5:30. The kids' afternoon nap is supposed to be from 2:30 - 4/4:30,but that didn't happen since we weren't home. They did really good, but were so tired by the time we left. They slept in the car on the way home but we couldn't get them to take a quick nap afterwards so they just fussed until bedtime. Jake was so restless last night too that he didn't really go to bed until midnight. He cried, tore the bumpers off his crib, cried because he tore the bumpers off his crib, cried because he lost his paci's in the bumpers he tore off his crib, etc. He was just so exhausted, but too wired to sleep. So a morning of just lounging (in our new comfy outfits from Grammie) was in order.The kids looked so cute so I had to snap a few pictures. Here they are playing with the forbidden china cabinet. They know not to play with this, but they love to pound on the glass. As they approach it, they always turn to look at me, smile, then run towards it and pound away as fast as they can before I take them away.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Oh So Pretty!

Jake was feeling a bit better today so we went to visit my SIL and her kids. We had a blast visiting with them and even got the guys to grill a bit for lunch. The kids are really getting to an age where they are "playing" together and ready to check out new people. This past week my SIL has been working on converting one of their rooms to a playroom for her twins and I have to say I'm jealous. It is so great to have a room all theirs that you don't have to pick up toys in. Her kids would come out and play with everyone in the den then just crawl off to the playroom when they wanted to go in there. It was great! If we had the room I'd do that, but I can't give up my office and I don't really want to give up my guest room just yet. So for now, we'll just use our den as the playroom too (or drive to Aunt Lisa's to play with her stuff!). While we were over there we got all four of the kids dressed in their Easter outfits for pictures, but it's getting tough with all four mobile. Plus we did it at the end of the day so they weren't really in the mood for pictures. Especially Jake! He really didn't fuss much during the day until after we got him dressed and set him in front of the fireplace for pics. He just burst into tears at that point. Poor thing...he did the same thing for the Christmas photos we took with all four of them.

Jake didn't want any part of this.

Abby had so much fun!

Ethan's the man!

Ahhh! Catch them!

This was the only picture Jake smiled in - after we gave him puffs.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Feeling a Little Down

We haven't done much this week as the kids (mainly Jake) have been fighting bugs. Monday morning was super fun...I walked into their room and Abby had diarrhea all over her and her crib...Jake had thrown up all over everything. I immediately turned around leaving both kids in their cribs and told John to join me in the kids' room when he got out of the shower as I needed help cleaning everyone and everything off (Now that I think about it, I should have just brought one of the kids with me and given them to John to wash off!).
They had two different bugs...Abby a stomach bug which only lasted 24 hours, Jake a fever, cough/cold thing. We took him to the doctor since his fever was high and they tested for flu and strep but both came back negative. Anyway, the Motrin had been keeping the fever down and Wednesday he actually woke up without a fever so I thought he was getting better. But Thursday morning he caught Abby's stomach bug and had diarrhea everywhere and a fever back up to 101. Needless to say, we've had to postpone the milk thing. Abby actually prefers the milk, but since she got sick the day after starting, we had to take her off it and we are just now slowly getting her back on it. Jake had been on it 25%, but with his diarrhea, I've taken him off it and will start him back on it after that's gone.
Oh fun times...and who would have thought I could talk so freely about bodily fluids! Oh to be a mom.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Playful Pups

Jake & Abby have always been fascinated with the dog door. Jake first showed the curiosity with the door when he learned how to crawl. Abby saw how interested Jake was and quickly became fascinated with it too. At first I tried to keep them away from the door which was a tiring task. They'd go up to the door, I'd say "no", carry them away and then repeat. I finally gave up thinking maybe if I didn't show that I cared if they played with the door they'd loose interest. And up until now they really just pushed on it and laughed every time the dogs went in or out, but today they got the courage to go through the door. They got stuck half way so I thought it was a perfect opportunity to grab a few pictures. I know soon they'll figure out how to go completely through and then I'll have to start looking for them outside when I can't find them!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Hippity Hop!

Happy Easter! We were going to travel out of town for Easter this weekend, but my niece was sick and we didn't want to risk the twins catching it so we stayed in. The kids got up at their normal time and ate a great breakfast. (Today was also our first time to try milk and Abby actually seems to prefer it to her formula! Jake's only getting 25% milk / 75% formula due to his sensitivity to milk, so far no issues and hopefully he'll transition to 100% milk in about 2 weeks. But I digress.) While the kids were eating I "hid" the Easter eggs in the den. They saw me and started getting excited (mainly because they saw me put puffs in a few of them). After they finished eating we turned them loose. They only had 6 eggs to find (3 each) so we didn't think it would take long, but it turned into an all-day affair. Abby found the first egg on the coffee table and didn't move on from there. She stood there playing with her egg. Jake tried to steal it, but I showed him another one on the couch and he crawled over to the couch to grab it. Then noticed there were puffs inside so John opened it up for them to eat. That was it for this morning. It was time to get dressed for church and head out. The rest of the day, they played in the living room finding the remaining three eggs every now and then. The egg hunt was really for us, but we all had fun. I hope everyone else had a great day too!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Officially Toddlers

My babies are no longer babies. We have officially entered the world of toddlerhood. We had our 1 year check up and babies, um toddlers, were given a clean bill of health. We can also make the switch to whole milk and let them eat anything now. No more restrictions. Although I'll have to gradually switch Jake to milk (mix milk and formula together for a while) to make sure he has no allergies to it. If he does, we'll have to go back on the formula. I was hoping we could at least make the switch to soy, but the doctor said more kids have issues with soy than milk. Hopefully he'll switch okay. Jake also didn't pass the weight requirement to turn his seat around and probably won't make it until 18 months old. We go back in 3 months for another check up and we'll see then (keep your fingers crossed that he gains at least 2 more pounds in 3 months). Since Jake can't flip around yet, we're going to keep Abby facing the same way for now. Here's all their stats for the interested parties:

18lbs 13 oz

20lbs 10 oz

We also had their 1 year pictures taken this afternoon which was fun. We didn't go to our normal place so we don't have the photos yet. We'll go pick out the poses next week and order the prints then. As soon as we have something we'll pass them along to all.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Jake & Abby!

It's hard to believe the day is actually here! Jake and Abby turn 1 today. We had some family plans to celebrate today, but that fell through so I'm not sure what we are going to do. We had the party on Saturday, but I wanted to do something with just us. John had to work today so maybe we'll do something tomorrow instead since he's taking off Friday. Although we have their 1 year check-up and 1 year photos tomorrow so I'm not sure when we'll have time. My MIL is coming down so they will get to spend a little one on one time with her which is nice. I still have to go get outfits for pictures tomorrow and was going to drag them out to the mall. I wasn't really looking forward to that since it's the last day of spring break. I imagine the mall will be crowded all day.

I did make this video for of the kids' first year. It's about 5 minutes so it's a bit long, but I think it's worth it (well I'm their mom so of course I would). For the family that was at the party Saturday, it's the same video; for those who weren't take a look. Make sure the volume is up on your computer, the song in the background makes the whole video. Enjoy!

Monday, March 17, 2008

They Grow Up Fast

Today I was packing up some of the kids "baby" toys...the teethers, link-a-doos, etc that they don't play with much anymore to make room for all their other bigger things. I have to say I was a little sad packing those things up...they're no longer babies now. They are entering the toddler world. It doesn't seem that long ago that they were little and really didn't know how to play with any toys.
Abby gave me another proud but sad moment today. This afternoon after their nap, I was changing Jake and Abby was still in her crib. She really wanted out and when I turned to look at her, she extended both arms and said "mama". Now I am calling that her first official word. She babbles all the time, but hardly says mama. She's a dada and baba girl. Today I think she intentionally said "mama" as she was looking at me and extended her arms in hopes I would come get her out of the crib.
Jake also throw another one at me by finally figuring out how to open all the cabinets in the kitchen. We installed locks a few months ago in preparation for this but hadn't flipped the locks on. So today I had to go and lock all the cabinets. Of course he starts with the cabinet that has the trash then moves to the one with all the cleaning supplies. This afternoon I kept forgetting they were locked and kept trying to open them all without my opener.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Party Like There's No Tomorrow!

On Saturday we celebrated the twins' first birthday with our family. We had a blast and so did the kids. It all started really on Friday...John and I ran around doing errands, ordering sandwiches and balloons, getting last minute wrapping paper, and cleaning the house (which lasted right up until the first guests arrived Saturday morning). The party was to start at 12:30 on Saturday, just after the kids got up from their nap and ate lunch, but since all our family drove from out of town, people started arriving early. Which was fine...I put them to work. I had my mom frosting the cupcakes, my BIL wrapping gifts and Betty (my step-MIL doing dishes) all so I could get dressed and out of my apron. Once everyone arrived, we all enjoyed lunch and then got busy opening gifts. My nephew, Noah, helped pass out gifts and by the end of it all kids were joining in the fun. At least at this age, no one cares if your cousins help you open gifts. Although they did care that they tried to play with one of their gifts...a bounce and spin zebra. Abby and Jake started crying with Ethan and Paige wanted their turn at sitting on the zebra. But they quickly got over that when Grandma BB gave them a ride around the house in their new wagon! We actually did really good on toys too...we asked for a lot of summer stuff like a pool for the backyard, some floats, swim suits, etc, since we have a ton of toys at the moment. I can't wait for it to warm up so we can take them swimming now!!! We'll have to break in the wagon this week too. I think it's supposed to rain Monday & Tuesday, but hopefully Wednesday will be nice and we can take it out for a test drive.
We ended the party with cupcakes since they would be messy and I opted for green icing. We were a little past nap time so the kids were almost asleep by this point (especially Jake). They gobbled up their cupcake and really did pretty good not to get covered in icing. After cupcakes, we tried to put them down, but they were really wound up so it took them a good hour of fussing to fall asleep. But they finally did.
Check out some of the birthday photos on the left!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Jam Session

I know all babies like to dance to music, but I just have to brag on mine. They have absolutely NO rhythm, but they have a ton of heart and sole. Abby is my big dancer, although she only dances sitting down. She really just rocks back and forth, but she always has a big smile across her face. She'll even dance at the littlest sounds, like a cell phone ring. Keeping tradition that these two have to be opposite of each other, Jake only dances standing up. He prefers to dance at the TV, but occasionally he'll dance on the coffee table. Here's a little 2-1/2 minute clip of them dancing. They love music - especially Billy Joel!!!
Before you watch - please remember that I'm not a videographer, just a mom with a video camera. Some of the video is a little rough, but you shouldn't get motion sickness (just a little dizzy maybe). Also, it takes a minute to download all the video so start to play it and then pause it until you see the that it's downloaded completely. You'll notice the status bar will turn a darker shade of gray as it downloads the video. Hopefully this makes sense.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Abby's Milestones

Our precious little Abby has a mind of her own and has decided that she's going to achieve her milestones on her own timeline. We had to get some help encouraging her to put any weight on her legs at 10 months , give her a little motivation to crawl (aka Fruit Puffs) at 11 months and now at 11-1/2 months she has pulled herself into a standing position! The OT came out last week on Thursday and gave us our new "homework" and I really thought we'd be working on this one a while b/c she just wasn't getting how to pull into a stand. But, my dad worked with her a lot this weekend when he was here and yesterday she started to push up on things into a stand position. Yeah! That's the first step. I was so proud of her. Then today, she pulled into a stand on one of her toys! YEAH ABBY!!!!!!! I really thought it would take longer, but she got it in just a few days. Now we are still working on walking (with help). Right now, if you put her behind a walker and push it forward, she just holds on to it and stretches forward, almost falling on her nose. She just plants her little feet firmly on the ground and doesn't budge. Oh well, our next appointment with our OT is the last week in March so we have a little time to get that one going. Now, she looks a little sad in this picture, almost like I made her stand there just for the picture, but she really did it on her own and was having fun. She's trying to turn on/off the TV. That big button on the front of the TV just calls Jake & Abby's name all the time!!!

Spring is in the Air!

John stayed home with us today since he's been traveling. The kids enjoyed having him home and spending time with him and I enjoyed getting out to do a few errands without having to two in tow. I also decided to do our Easter pictures this afternoon since John was home to help out with the kids (Now that they're mobile pictures are really tough! You get one situated and the other is off crawling somewhere, get that one situated the first one's off. Ugh!). Plus I was really looking forward to kicking off the Easter season this past weekend and feel that I've missed it since our Easter event was postponed. Anyway, we got the kids all dressed up in their Easter outfits (complete with shoes!) and gave them their Easter baskets. They're the baskets Nana gave them for their first Easter last year when they were two weeks old. I found these great eggs for the kids with Little People inside each egg. There were six eggs in the set and each egg had a different Little People inside. They're great! The kids loved shaking the eggs and then once I broke them open they loved playing with the toys. They also got a stuffed bunny in their basket, but Abby actually preferred the yellow grass in her basket above the toys. She really couldn't figure it out and was mesmerized by it! I love our kids and this is one of those times I just can't get enough of them.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Getting Through the Time Change

I'll probably jinx us by bragging on the kids this soon, but it looks like we're going to adjust to the new time change just fine. Yesterday was a bit rough as they didn't take their morning nap. They usually only get a 30 - 45 minute nap anyway Sunday mornings b/c of church and they sat and played the entire time. Then we were off to church. Jake got pretty tired and cranky in the nursery (sorry guys!) and then crashed with Grandpa after lunch. He napped pretty well in the afternoon since he was so tired (I woke him up after 3 hours - he could have slept longer!), but Abby only slept 2 so she was pretty tired by the time bedtime rolled around. Which I guess was good, they didn't fuss at all about going to bed an hour early. They've been tired most of the day today, but did nap great.
I think it actually helped that I changed up their nap routine a few weeks ago. I don't think they would have done as well if they were still taking 3 naps a day. Although I have to say, I'm not looking forward to changing them to 1 nap a day if it goes anything like this time around (even though that's a little bit off). Most kids naturally drop a nap as they get older, but not mine. They loved 3 short naps a day. And Miss Abby is VERY resistant to any changes in her schedule. She is such a schedule baby and thrives on routine! The first week we changed things up I thought I would lose it. The second week was better and everyone finally adjusted by the third week. Then Daylight savings rolled around.
Well, hopefully I didn't jinx us and everyone will do just fine tomorrow since dad will be staying home and watching them so I can run errands. I'm really counting on the kids to keep themselves on schedule since I know dad's not as strict about it as I am. :-)

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Hanging out with Grandpa

Well, we were supposed to have our PAMOM Easter event this weekend and my dad was going to come help schlep the kids around, but it was postponed with all the snow we had this week (the event was outside). However, he still came down and spent time with the kiddos. I think it was the first time he's come alone and the kids had a blast with him. They loved to crawl all over him and Jake enjoyed having him rock him to sleep for his afternoon nap (which he rarely lets me do). Everyone enjoyed spending a little one on one time with Grandpa this weekend. Thanks for coming Grandpa!!!!
I think later this week I'll try to do a little Easter hunt at the house since we'll miss the PAMOM event (it was rescheduled for next weekend which is their party!).

Friday, March 7, 2008

Why are PJs so tight?

Have you ever wondered why the fire retardant PJs are SOOOOO tight? I know loose clothing catches on fire more easily, but you need a crow bar just to get the kids in and out of the PJs. We have one set of long sleeved "super tight" PJs and they are a size bigger than the kids actually wear but I really think you need 2 or 3 sizes bigger, which of course defeats the whole purpose of the PJs I guess. Anyway, just thought I'd throw that question out there. The kids do look cute in their PJs; I'll post some pictures in the morning of them. Abby's has a cute strawberry on it and Jake has a fire truck.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Bye Bye Bottles, Not So Fast

Well, Jake has not been doing well on sippies vs. bottle. The first day went okay and he really only fussed during his last bottle. But yesterday and today have been bad. He gets madder and madder at each meal when he sees that sippy cup. So today at lunch I finally gave him a bottle again. He was so was like he saw an old friend that he had missed so much. In a week I plan on giving it another try, but this time I'll still give him a bottle at bed. Hopefully that will go better. I really didn't expect much after the first day. After all, Abby gave up her bottle on her own. I know they are two very different people that just happened to be born at the same time so they carry the title of "twins", but I never really expected they'd be this different or that weaning off the bottle would be that traumatic for everyone involved!

Fun with Balls, Again!

Well, I finally found something for the kids to play with in the backyard that's sturdy and won't blow away. And I got it on I just love that thing. I got a used Crabbie Sandbox (you know, one of those red plastic sandboxes with a lid that looks like a crab). Normally they sell for $60 new, but I got this used for $20. It's a bit more than I wanted to pay (I had planned on only paying $15, but I couldn't find one for that price, those all went fast and I was tired of waiting). It's faded from the sun, so it's really a pink crab vs. red, but there's no cracks and it works just fine. Add a bag of balls and you have instant fun! Then when they get too big for balls and are old enough to play in the sand vs. eat it, we can have a sandbox! Yeah!!! I don't know who's more excited, me or them. I'm just glad to have something we can play with outside. It's nice to get some fresh air every now and then. We do go on walks when the weather's nice, but Abby doesn't like to go when it's super windy. So on those days we can play in the backyard. The lid is also supposed to keep rain out but we'll test that tomorrow. Looks like it's supposed to be a rainy day.

Since it's a pretty nice day today we took it out for a test drive already. The kids really liked it. They also liked leaning over the edge to put the balls on the ground or to pick up grass and eat it (Miss Abby). Towards the end of our play time, Jake practiced getting in and out of it which was a little tough b/c he couldn't get his footing inside with all the balls, but he did really good and can now climb in and out with ease. Abby even pushed up into a stand position for the first time! We've been working on that for 2 weeks and she just figured out how to do it on her own. Yeah Abby!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Verdict on Kids Shoes

Well, the shoes for the kids I ordered came in and the jury is still out. When I initially put them on, they both cried and began tugging at their shoes. They didn't have any socks on (Abby's shoes are sandals) but the product says you can wear with or without socks. I later put them back on Jake, with socks, and he didn't seem to mind them too much. He pulled on them at first and then crawled off to play. I think the seams felt a little weird to him, but with the socks he couldn't feel them. Plus his are a little big and the socks help take up some room. I'm going to give them a few days and see how they do. They may eventually just forget about them. I think the shoes are extra cute, so I hope they learn to like them. I want to get them an extra "play" pair. These are a little dressy and are for their Easter outfits. Here's Jake showing off his new shoes, my what great little model he is! I'll try to get some pictures of Abby sporting her new shoes tomorrow. It's been so cold I haven't been able to get them in an outfit for sandals.

What's Cookin' Baby

While my kids are solely on finger foods now, they aren't up to eating what I typically eat since they really only have 2 teeth. So, I've spent most of my morning cooking up fruits and veggies for my kids. I'm not a big cooker so I try to do this in batches and only cook 1x a week for them. Several years ago my husband bought me an electric steamer and I have used the heck out of it since we've been on solid foods. Have to say this would make my top 5 of "mommy must-haves". It has two compartments so I throw veggies in one side and fruits in the other and let it go for about 20 - 30 minutes then viola we have all our fruits and veggies ready for the week. Now it's a pain to clean (must be hand washed and it's big and bulky), but it really is great since I can cook everything in it. I use it all the time for me when I want salmon. I throw in a little rice on one side, some veggies in the other and place the salmon on the grill at the top and 15 minutes later I have a complete meal (the steamers called Emeril by T-fal).
I also hate trying to come up with different things for the kids to eat. It's so hard, but I found a great website that's been helpful ( and given me a lot of great ideas like veggie pancakes. My kids love these. They're super easy to make and freeze well. I make about a dozen and freeze them. Then I just pop them out when we need one.
We also eat a lot of sandwich meat. I'm still a little unsure how much they can chew meat with only 2 teeth so we eat chicken, turkey, roast beef and ham via sandwich meat. I get it shaved at the deli counter so it's super easy for the kids to eat and they seam to like it. Again, it's super easy.
Their favorite meal is probably pasta with Parmesan, avocado and baked apples. We eat that a lot for lunch and there's never a drop left. Although their favorite food is green beans for Abby and butternut squash for Jake. They're so funny. Abby will actually throw a fit when the green beans are gone and she's still hungry. She also can't concentrate on anything if there is a stray green bean on her tray that she can't reach. She will stop at nothing to get it.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Bye Bye Bottles

Yeah! We are off bottles. Abby has been off (by choice) for a week now, but I finally switched Jake over today. He did great until the last feeding of the day. I think he really wanted his bottle and didn't eat much. He usually finishes that one, but he only took a small bit tonight. Hopefully he won't wake up hungry tonight and we can try it again tomorrow. They are still on formula, but at least when we finally switch to milk, they won't have to adjust to milk plus no bottles at the same time. I'm also hoping they adjust to the temperature of the milk okay. Normally I warm up their formula but milk will be straight from the fridge. I won't be warming that up. I've slowly been warming their formula less and less so maybe they'll be okay with it. Plus they drink their water okay and that's cold. Oh well, we shall see in a month I guess. They are growing up so fast. I can't believe they'll be 1 in a few weeks!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Divine Consign

Okay, I just went to the mother of all garage sales!!! The sale lasts for 3 days, but opened today at 11am. Since John's out of town and my MIL was still here, I decided to go right at 11 so she could keep the kids and I could do a little shopping on my own before she left town. Boy am I glad I did. When I drove up to the site I saw cars lined up to get into the parking lot like at a concert. Then when I finally made the hike up to the actual building there was a line to get in and I noticed all the women had laundry baskets, wagons and empty strollers. I had nothing! This must be a huge sale and I'm totally unprepared!!! Okay, it's finally 11 and they let us all in. It was like running with the bulls, women were sprinting to the items they wanted in this huge warehouse room. Clothes, toys, swings, books, and more toys were lined up in rows. WOW! I was totally overwhelmed. Where should I go first. I was looking for a little sandbox, you know the ones that are plastic, shaped like crabs or frogs with a lid on it. Where would they be? I hunt and hunt but don't find any. However, I did find several other things like a play kitchen set (only $10 with all the pieces included!!), a toy push car, a few Baby Einstein DVDs, a bubble blower (b/c every kid should have one of these right!), etc. I found a lot more stuff, but that was all I could carry. Remember, I had no bags, strollers, carts, etc. So I headed to the checkout line. The man asked if I found everything okay and I said no, I was looking for a sandbox but didn't see any. He said there were only two and they'd go fast (I checked out at 11:30 and the sale just opened at 11! How fast could they go?) Anyway, I paid my $38 for my armful of goodies and headed out. WOW! I wish I would have been more prepared.

The sale is moving to Arlington and Grapevine next so check it out if you can (here's their website - If you go, try to get into the presale, if you can't go right when it opens. The aisles were already looking bare as I left a half hour into the sale. Also, bring bags, wagons, etc. to help you carry all your stuff and try not to bring your kids. The little guys take up so much room in the aisles, creating a lot of traffic jams. Plus I can't tell you how many kids I saw crying b/c their mom wouldn't let them have XY or Z.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Ball Pits

What a wonderful day today! It was gorgeous outside and I couldn't wait to try out the new toy I got for the kids. I've been wanting to get a tunnel/ball pit for the kids, but didn't know where to put one. Well my SIL's kids have been having a blast with theirs and so I finally got one. We won't end up keeping this one even though the kids loved it. I really want an outside toy (as my living room is over flowing with toys at the moment) and this thing blew around when they weren't inside. So we'll trade this in for something else. But we had a blast in it today.

Rough Night

Okay, I just have to vent. The kids have been doing so well this week (after a rough week last week as I've changed their nap schedule up completely trying to drop their third nap). Anyway, we had a really great week this week, sleeping much better at nap time now and settling down at night. Until last night! They both screamed for about an hour, nothing we did would settle them down so we finally brought them into bed for about 5 minutes. Abby almost fell asleep the second we laid her down. Jake thought the bed was a great jungle gym and crawled all over the covers and laughing. So, we put them back in their cribs, they had one last scream as we left their room and then finally settled down at 12:45. I thought maybe they'd sleep in a bit since it was a rough night for them, but no, they are up playing in their cribs at the moment. They're almost one...aren't we supposed to be through this stage yet? How will I ever get rid of my baby monitor? They spoiled me by sleeping so well early on, we rarely had any issues, but now we have all sorts of things that interrupt our sleep. Oh well, they're growing up fast and I guess I should treasure ALL the moments. I'll definitely remember them. Oh one side note for all those wives of new babies...yes, my husband was able to fall asleep during all the screaming. Only waking when I woke him to go into their room to help soothe them. I on the other hand had pillows over my head trying to drown out the sounds of their cries. It's the age old do our dear husbands sleep through the sounds of crying babies over and over? Is it that deep down they know we will get up and tend to our babies so they don't have to disturb their sleep?