Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Such a Chatterbox!

Lily is following in her sister's footsteps and is a huge chatterbox. She has a ton of words and phrases (one of my favorites is "Hey guys!" that she yells to the twins as she crawls down the hall). She has far more words than Abby did at this age and I can only imagine what it will be like with those to dueling for mommy or daddy's ears. Jake better hurry and catch up or he doesn't stand a chance of getting a word in edge wise with those two! She's at the stage where she mixes babbles with real words but she is such the conversationalist. She points, talks with inflection and looks right at you as she tells you the most interesting stories.
She also had her 1 year check up a few weeks back and is doing well. She's small like Jake and weighs 18 pounds. She's super healthy although very picky. Even more than Jake. UGH! Although I'm hoping once she's weaned she'll start to eat more. Fingers crossed! Right now she likes carbs only. No meat, no veggies and no fruits. So, she eats lots of muffins packed with fruit and veggies. One of her favorites is a zucchini, squash and carrot muffin (pureed zucchini and squash with grated carrots). I'm working on a spinach muffin recipe but haven't actually tried to make it yet. Just need to tweak the recipe a bit. I know I could do it in a chocolate muffin, but not sure she'll eat chocolate (plus I don't really want her to eat chocolate all the time). I'll let you know how it comes out though!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

It's all about the hunt!

On Good Friday, we headed over to Lisa's for a small family egg hunt and get-together. It was after naptime so the kids were well rested and the weather was perfect for an outdoor egg hunt. We dressed the kids in their Easter outfits so we could try and get pictures when we first got there. Everyone was a willing participant EXCEPT Abby. I was trying to get her to cooperate while Lisa snapped some pics so I don't have any, but I think the only one she got was one with Abby turned around backwards! Just try to make that girl do something she doesn't want to do, lol.
After trying to get pictures, we turned the kids loose in the backyard for the egg hunt. Abby and Jake were quick and focused. Ethan and Paige picked their eggs a little more carefully. Lily hung out with Grammie, taking notes for next year.

After the kids got their eggs, it was time to go thru the loot. They each picked a spot, away from the others and started going through all their eggs. The kids ate everything in those eggs! One of the big "prizes" this year were ring pops. There were eight out there and each kid got at least one. Yea! They carried those things around and licked/ate them for quite a while. Jake got blue and turned his entire face blue with that thing. Oh well, they had fun.
Lily's first swing ride!

We did order pizza for dinner, but my two were full from the egg loot and didn't eat a thing!
Around 7:30 we started gathering our stuff and headed home. The kids had a blast playing with their cousins, Aunt Lisa and of course Uncle D. We only live an hour away but I wish we were closer so we could get together more often!
Thanks for having us over guys!!

Happy Easter!

There's tons more photos, but I wanted to get this one up of the three kids. This is the ONLY picture I have of the three of them together. Abby is currently participating in a photo boycott (one that I hope she gets over by Sunday since we're getting new family pics done then :-).

Back up and running!

I've been out of commission a bit with our computer down (unhooked really). We've been busy converting our office to Jake's new room, repainting and installing new carpets throughout the house. Our computer is now hooked back up, although in a temporary location I hope (it's sitting on our kitchen counter at the moment :-), which means I can now download the hundreds of photos sitting on my camera and update our blog! Yea!!!
Jake's room looks great and is almost finished. Just need to finish his curtains and install a shelf on one of his walls then he's all done. Next it will be time to put some "girly" touches in Abby's "new" room. She didn't get a new paint job, but I'm adding new curtains and hopefully a few 3D butterflies to her walls. Her furniture is also moved around a bit and of course the room is all hers now.
We repainted our room too since I've hated that color the second we put it on our walls. We still have lots to do in our room, but I do like the new colors.
Stay tuned. Lots of updates to come over the next week.