Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Misc. Pics

I haven't posted any pics of the twins lately and so I took a few candid shots of a typical morning around here when we're not in school. When Lily goes down for her morning nap, I usually bring out the arts & crafts activities. Today, the kids wanted to play with Play-doh, one of their favorite things. Although during our time today, Jake asked to make cookies so we'll probably do that later this week.
Jake loves anything that he can squeeze play-doh with, crazy boy!
Abby usually says she wants to play with play-doh, but then will just hold her ball of play-doh the entire time. She'll talk to it, hug it, even tell it she loves it, but she will not squish it, roll it out, or even squeeze it!
Next, we move on to a little light reading. Notice Jake's book. Can you tell we're getting close to potty training?
I just love these next two shots. Abby was pointing out a lady bug to Jake and they were both actually sharing the book, not screaming trying to tear it away from the other!!
Then they decided to pose for the camera. Only Jake hasn't gotten that you have to stand a bit away from the camera. He tries to stand as close as he can saying "Cheese!". Then my shots come out blurry!!
I think this is one of the best candid shots I've gotten of the two of them together in a long time. They never want to stand next to each other for pics anymore. Notice Jake is slightly in front of Abby though, they kept "leap frogging" each other to be in front. :-)

1 comment:

Katy said...

Cute! Abby looks like such a big girl...I think it's the bangs that do it. :)