Friday, April 1, 2011

Joy of Luck

Since taking the photography class with Treva I really wanted to put my learnings into practice. I'm not good with giving myself projects though, I really needed someone to give me "homework". I then found this free week long class and thought I'd give it a shot. It was great. Each day it gave me a new task and allowed me to practice with my camera. It was fun seeing how quickly I "improved" as the week went on. I think for my first shot I originally took like 50 pics before I landed on my fav and it took me a while to get the settings where they should be. By the end I was much quicker, not great, but better :-). One note, all of these are "raw" - I have an editing software, but don't really know how to use it other than the auto correct and I don't like that feature (it always does funky stuff to my pics). I really enjoyed this journey and hope you do too. Maybe next time I'll get braver and shoot people :-).

Day1: What "thing" is something you take for granted on a daily basis?
For me, that's the ability to stay home with my kids.
Day2: Find something green, literally the color or something that brings newness.
What better than a new little strawberry in our garden.

Day 3: Find a lucky token.
This is an old worry bean I've had since high school. I used to carry this thing everywhere before I gave it to my hubby a couple of years ago to help him.

Day 4: Capture 7 of your favorite material things.
our sandbox, a daily shower, my old grey sweatpants, kombucha, the baby monitor, my iPhone, and popsicle molds

Day 5: What brings you luck?
For me, God. Not really luck though.
Day 6: What's your biggest blessing?
My hubby. Without him I would have nothing (or no one) that I have in my life right now. Lucky for him he's in Minnesota right now so he couldn't be photographed, but I snagged his favorite shoes.
Day 7: What's your rainbow? What are you looking forward to?
Lots of people took pictures of their family, but to be honest I'm not looking forward to my kids growing up. I like them little right now, so the next thing I thought of was my camera. I'm excited to see what will come and what I do with it in the coming year.

1 comment:

MKLackey said...

These are really good - I love them (and the narrations with each!). :)