Friday, April 8, 2011

My FIRST Bluebonnet Experience

Okay - so I never rushed out and did bluebonnet pics with the twins because most fields are near highways and with my duo, that makes for a VERY bad combination. However, this year I decided to give it a shot with Lily since she's less curious, stays closer to me, and isn't a runner. However, since she turned 2, she has had major attitude. And well, it was showing today when we tried to get a few shots. In every picture, she was telling me "No" and wouldn't really even get in the bluebonnets, let alone sit down. Oh well, maybe we'll try again next year :-).
Running away - and what is it with my kids and STICKS!
After asking her to sit in the flowers, her simple reply "No Mommy, I'm not going to do it!"
My Sweetie

The ONLY picture with her looking at the camera, we were walking back to the truck and she was showing me her stick.